Monday, February 13, 2012

.:Harper–Three Months:.

Wow! Three months! That last month went fast.

This little lady is just such a joy. She has her crabby/fussy moments, but she is starting to turn into a much happier/content baby. We’re finally able to put her down for longer than five minutes at a time. She is starting to love the play mat, and she actually does well in the swing for periods of time – We’ve never had a swing baby, so this is new to us!

Harper has started finding her voice in the past week or so. It is so cute to watch her get all excited and finally get the noise out. Her talking is always accompanied with lots of smiles, too, and I don’t know that there’s a sweeter sound or sight. She often talks while on her play mat or swing; I’d just love to know what’s going through that cute little head of hers.


Harper is a total snuggle bug. She loves to be held, and often when you are holding her, she’ll nuzzle in towards you. It’s like she can’t quite get close enough! She doesn’t often end up in my bed anymore, but before when she would, or now when she does, she always manages to get right up next to me, and on her side facing towards me, as cozied up as she can get. I have to admit, it’s pretty sweet!


Harper has been awesome in her car seat up until this past week. All of the sudden she is not sleeping very long in it anymore. I remember this happening with Reece and Remi, too, and it’s a sad day when I have to start keeping her home to get her to nap well. Speaking of napping, we have absolutely no schedule with this little lady during the day. I’ve been much more lazy this time around. Reece and Remi both never napped until around four months, so I just haven’t even tried with Harper. I should probably start trying to enforce some sort of schedule with her so that when she’s ready, it will already be in place.


That being said, Harper’s nites are generally pretty good. I usually feed her around eight-ish, and she will go to bed until 10:30-11:00. After that, she usually gets up between one and two, and then again between five and six. After that feeding, I just get up, so it’s kind of like she’s my alarm clock! I’m hoping she can keep it up! She stays in her own bed most nites for the entire nite, and then I’ll pull her in to bed with me for that morning feeding. After that, she’ll sleep in my bed for another hour or two, which is really nice!


Baths are still not Harper’s favorite thing, but she is starting to tolerate them much better. I’ve gotten pretty efficient at bathing her as quickly as possible!


One thing Harper does like is when I sing to her. Reece and Remi never reacted to my singing when they were babies, so it’s been fun to see Harper light up when I start singing to her. Too bad it makes Remi mad when I sing. Smile


This little baby is just super sweet, super cute, and super cuddly. Pretty much smitten with her (most of the time!)


At three months, Harper likes:
- binky
- being held
- eating
- Mommy’s singing
- play mat
- swing
- smiling
- talking
- cuddling/nuzzling


At three months, Harper does not like:
- baths (only tolerates)
- being left alone for too long
- being put down for too long
- taking real naps


Love this beautiful baby!


Seriously, don’t you just want to gobble her up?



Sarah said...

She seriously is just so so beautiful Sum!

.:.chhour.:. said...

okay. I'm a terrible friend. She is 3 months old and I haven't even met her. Sorry eep

nison (nic + allison) said...

When will it be my turn to gobble her up?!

Dani said...

She is pretty yummy!!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

What a beautiful baby!! I love her big beautiful eyes!

suzanne said...

Oh my what a beauty beauty beauty!!!!!! I want some of those snuggles..........

Sarah Jane said...

Such a sweetie! Can't believe she is already 3 months! Time goes too quickly with these little ones!

Mendel Family said...

Stop growing baby girl!!! She is too adorable!