Sunday, October 14, 2012

.:Harper–11 Months:.

One month away from turning one? How did this happen? I feel like I’ve blinked and this entire year has flown by with the Harpster.

We sort of missed her 10 month post. That was right when we were in the midst of moving, so hopefully she’ll forgive me when she reads back on this someday.

What can I say about our little Harpie? She is still such a good baby. She is still stinking adorable.


Harper is busy. She is crawling, exploring, and venturing into walking all over the place. She loves to climb up on the trundle bed and see what is going on up there. She still does her spidey crawl on the hard floors most of the time, and it is seriously spider like when she gets going fast. It’s kind of amazing how quick she is crawling like that! Harper has started to show some interest in walking. She can walk holding on to one or two hands, and has just within the past week started to enjoy pushing the walker around. She has pretty good balance when she squats down from standing to the floor, but I don’t expect her to start walking anytime soon. We’re in no rush, so whenever it happens, it happens!


Harper is loud. She loves to squeal, shout, scream, and just make noise. Often her sounds are accompanied with a cheesey face/grin, and it’s hard to do anything but laugh when she does it. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that such loud sounds can come out of her little body! She talks and babbles quite a bit, and I think that sometimes she says ‘mama’ with meaning. But a lot of it is still just babbling. With her teething, she is often running her tongue over her teeth, and it sounds like she has an accent with a lisp. It’s pretty cute!


Back in Harper’s nine month post, I was praising her for still sleeping well and being happy with her first two teeth coming in. I am eating those words, big time! She’s only had a few days where she has been seriously fussy with her top front teeth coming in, but her sleep…oh, her sleep. It’s been absolutely horrible! And I’ve just been compounding it by feeding her quick so that I can go back to bed myself. We might have to get tough this week and try to get her off this habit, but the past three weeks have been cursed with multiple night wakings. It’s like having a three month old again! I’m hopeful it will even out soon. I don’t usually need a lot of sleep myself, but I definitely need more than I’m getting!


Harper is a fantastic eater! She’ll basically eat anything we put in front of her. Her sisters were both this way, and while I wouldn’t say they are picky eaters, they are definitely pickier than they used to be. I’m hoping we can steer clear of that with Harpie. She loves to eat and gets so excited when she sees me getting her high chair tray ready with food. Harper is also a champ with her sippy cup and bottles. She takes them no problem, doesn’t matter what’s in it or if it’s warm or cold, she’s just all over it. Weaning her will hopefully not be too bad.


Harper adores Reece and Remi. And the feeling is quite mutual! They are always playing together, and it just warms my heart to see how much they love each other. I know they will be the best of friends growing up and beyond.


We love our little Harpie, and just love the stage she is in right now.


At 11 months, Harper likes:

- eating
- crawling
- standing
- dancing
- screaming
- yelling
- shouting
- walking with walker or holding on to someone’s hand( s )
- playing with Reece and Remi
- music
- clapping
- Mommy’s singing (still!)
- drinking out of cups
- chewing on fingers
- binky
- Baby Einstein
- books
- tubs
- toys
- kneeling
- exploring
- laughing
- being tickled
- playing with the dvd’s
- jumping
- grabbing
- nursing
- playing with her hair


At 11 months, Harper does not like:

- teething
- being in car seat or stroller for too long
- sleeping through the nite (not cool!)
- being left alone for too long
- waiting for food


Love this sweet baby girl!

1 comment:

Sarah Jane said...

Cute little Harper, she is getting so big!