Saturday, February 15, 2014

.:Harper–TWO Years Old:.

Little Harpie turned two back in November. Say what? I can’t believe how fast another year went by.

This little lady is full of personality and sass.


Seriously, she can throw a mean tantrum. Harper is the first of my girls to get upset over what clothes I choose for her, or what shoes I choose for her. Harper definitely has opinions on things, and she lets you know about them!


Harpie is little miss independent. She wants to do everything on her own, and just how Reece and Remi are doing it. She hates to be in a shopping cart or anything like that. It is so hard for her to understand that she is younger and littler than her sisters.


Harper is also hilarious. She says and does the funniest things, that often have Josh and I laughing hard. One of our favorite things to make her do is scowl. It turns into a whole head thing, instead of just her eyes. Her favorite game right now is to call us by someone else’s name on purpose. And then she expects you to do the same back to her. She loves to dress up and pretend with her sisters, and is starting to sing songs with them as well. I’m amazed sometimes at what she picks up and can remember!


Harper really likes to dance, too. She will sometimes dance along at my Zumba classes, and gets right in the middle of the dancing that goes on at our house. Along with that, she loves to do stretches with me. Her favorite is to do a quad stretch, and will hold my hand and lift her leg off the ground. It might be the cutest thing ever.


This little one is also naughty. She loves to get into things that she shouldn’t. She went through quite the drawing phase, where I was finding crayon marks in random places all over my house. She learned very quickly how to un-screw lids off of things, and has gotten into chapstick, nail polish, and mascara to name a few. Harper also thinks it’s funny to run away, whether it’s at home or in a store, she wants to be chased! She is seriously a little imp. But she has a dimple and is stinking cute so she gets away with it.


Harper is just full of personality, and we love having her in our family. I can’t imagine it without her and her cheesy grins, naughty little behavior, and tiny little bod. We just love this cute little two year old to pieces!

2013-1206 Summer_Andrus, JE-29

At two years old, Harper loves:

- treats
- juice
- tv
- books
- dressing up
- coloring (on everything!)
- eggs
- tubs
- tablets
- dancing
- singing
- being naughty
- playing with Reece and Remi
- dolls
- princesses
- brushing and flossing her teeth
- lips (chap stick)
- jewelry
- playing with her hair (twisting it and/or pulling it)

2013-1206 Summer_Andrus, JE-25

At two years old, Harper does not like:

- going to bed
- being in a cart
- taking naps
- time out
- not getting her way
- not being able to do things that older girls can





suzanne said...

Naughty little beastie! Love this girl!

Dani said...

I cannot wait to see that little one!! And all of your girls for that matter! One month!