Monday, December 29, 2014

.:Jabren - Two Months:.

Two Month Stats

Weight: 12.35 lb (73%)
Height: 23.62 in (80%)

This scrumptious boy turned two months at the beginning of December. How can it be? 

He has really turned into such a content baby. He smiles often, and has this really flirty little expression on his face. It endears me to no end, and I feel like I've been rewarded for something every time he does it! I often catch him just looking at me and smiling, just waiting for me to notice. It's basically the cutest thing ever.

Jabes has gotten better at sleeping at nite. He usually wakes up somewhere around 2ish, but if I pull him into bed, I can pop his binky in and snuggle him back to sleep until somewhere between 3-4. I need to do that but return him to his bed so he can get used to that now! Then he doesn't usually eat again until 6-6:30, and I only top him off on one side so that he will stay asleep while I get up and get the girls ready for the day. Then he will eat again around 8 before we head out for school and exercise classes. It's a pretty good schedule; I just need to get him in his own bed now! 

During the day, he goes anywhere from 2-4 hours between feedings. It usually depends if we are at home or out and about. If he is sleeping in his car seat, he can usually go longer. Sometimes I feel like all I do is nurse him!

Jabren has discovered his hands and LOVES to suck on them. I think he probably prefers them to a binky, though I am really trying to force the binky on him! He takes it okay, better some times than others. 

Jabren's pediatrician checked his tongue and his heart murmur at his two month appointment. Murmur is gone (yay!) and he isn't really worried about his tongue. It's slight, and hasn't gotten in the way of him eating and gaining weight, so I don't think we'll be doing anything about it at this point. I do need to ask at his four month appointment if that is something that is more easily done as a baby, and if we should take any preventative measures with it or not. 

Jabes is starting to find his little voice. And I love it! He is not super vocal yet, but you can tell that he is trying to get that sound out! I can't wait until he is doing it more. Baby coos are my favorite. 

We have discovered that Jabren likes to lay underneath his play mat. The light at the top flashes colors, and he really loves it. Sometimes he can be entertained with a Baby Einstein movie for a short period of time as well. It's nice to have some activities for him to do when I need to get things done!

The girls continue to love on Jabes constantly. They love to rub his head, give him his binky, and make him smile. They are so enamored with him, it is really sweet!

We are about ready to graduate into size 3-6 month clothes. He is getting too long for 0-3 month stuff. Most pants and outfits turn into floods, and the sleeves are too short. He is a healthy guy! Every time we switch sizes, it makes me a little sad. I need to start getting rid of some of his old stuff but I can't bring myself to do it quite yet! 

We love our little Jabey man, and just love watching him grow!

At two months old, Jabren likes:

- being held
- nursing
- playmat
- baby movies 
- binky (sometimes)
- sucking on hands
- being naked
- baths
- getting diaper changed
- smiling!
- talking
- nuzzling his face into pillow, whoever is holding him, etc.

At two months old, Jabren does not like:

- being left alone for too long
- the first few minutes of being swaddled
- being in car seat for too long
- having to wait for his food!

This might be my favorite picture of him!

Passed out.

Snuggly yummy baby.

1 comment:

suzanne said...

I swear I see glitter on his forehead in that last picture!