Friday, November 11, 2011

.:37 Weeks - Full Term Baby:.

Full term!

I can't believe it.

I am sooooooo ready to meet this little gal, it's just time for her to come out and play.

I'm still not feeling super uncomfortable, but I am starting to want her out more badly for other reasons. Like my weight gain. It has skyrocketed lately, despite my efforts to continue exercising 4-5 times a week and laying off the snacks. Can I continue to blame this on my thyroid? Even though my doctor never said anything about the last blood draw to check it? It makes me feel slightly better about it. I know in the grand scheme of things, it's really not important; I can lose it after. But my pregnant, hormonal self is struggling with it lately. Seems silly, but it's frustrating.

Definitely acting a bit crazy and bi-polar lately; just ask my kids and husband. Lucky for me, they are tolerating me. I don't like feeling so moody all of the time, and I'm really trying hard to be conscious of how I'm acting and feeling. Sometimes I forget that my kids are still really little!

That being said, I am really trying to soak up this last little bit of time with my girls before we add another person to the mix. It's been fun to pal around with them lately. We've been having lots of impromptu dance parties lately, and enjoy our frequent trips to the 'popcorn store'.

I've been having a lot of Braxton Hicks and contractions lately. It's been odd to me because I didn't have a whole lot of that with either Reece or Remi. I'd love for it to mean something, and that baby is going to come early. But I'm not holding my breath on that one. We'll see what happens. If she doesn't come by December 1st, she's going to be forced out; I'd really love to go into labor on my own, but if not, that's a good time for us with Josh's work schedule, making plans for the girls to be taken care of, and family coming into town.

I'm just so anxious to meet her and see what she looks like! In the 3D ultrasound we had, she definitely looked like Reece. It will be interesting to see if she favors either girl, or if she's a mix, or if she has her totally own look. It's so exciting!

At my appointment today, I was dilated to a 1+ - up from a half the past two weeks! My doctor was happy with the progress. We'll see, with Remi I was a 1+ for about three weeks, so who knows! She also stripped my membranes the best that she could; it really did not feel wonderful; she admitted to being 'mean' about it because she is really trying to get me to go into labor on my own. We'll see if it helps speed things along or not! As she said on her way out, "Keep your fingers crossed and your legs uncrossed." (Kind of crass, but still funny!)

I think we're about as ready for baby to come as we can be. Hospital bag is as packed as it can be. List of what I need to pack still that can't be packed yet is in the bag. Girls' schedule is typed and hanging on the fridge. Baby has a new coming home outfit and blanket that I made for her (as well as a backup outfit in case she doesn't fit what I made her - hey, from Reece to Remi, our babies went up a pound at birth; if we're following that trend, this baby is going to be 9 lbs. 10 oz.). Made some new boppy covers. Made a new wipes case for the diaper bag (which I proceeded to dream about it falling apart the next nite). To-do list almost done (it's never-ending, so it's as close as it can be!) Christmas shopping mostly done.

Guess all we need now is a baby!

Oh, and a name. But like I said before, not likely that she'll be receiving that prior to discharge from the hospital.

Anyone have some labor inducing tips they'd like to share? I'm all ears.

1 comment:

Mendel Family said...

It is kind of funny to read this post now that little Harper decided to make her appearance early! I am glad you are such an organized and prepared mommy!