Monday, April 28, 2014

.:Loose Tooth:.

Reece has her first loose tooth! I was flossing her teeth tonite, and I wasn't sure I was seeing right when I saw her tooth move. I wasn't expecting this for another year or so at least. But sure enough, it is loose! She is beyond excited, and keeps asking what she can do to make it more loose so it comes out. 

Remi, of course, was a bit sad that she didn't have a loose tooth, too. Sometimes it stinks being younger.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! Poor Remi! I bet she was feeling left behind. Hahaha! Anyway, I'm so happy that Reece wasn't nervous about losing her first tooth, in fact, she seemed very happy to have lost it. Hahaha! Just always remind your girls to keep on brushing and flossing their pearly whites. All the best! :)

Krista Green @ Solana Beach Dentist