Wednesday, April 16, 2014

.:Ultrasounds are my favorite:.

Getting ultrasounds never gets old. One of the techs at Josh's work needed to record a fetal heartbeat on an ultrasound, so of course, I was more than happy to help. At our last ultrasound, the baby was measuring ahead, and this ultrasound it increased even more! Baby was measuring about a week and two days ahead! I also got to feel baby move for the first time. It was only because the tech was pushing the wand into my belly a bit harder, and baby reacted. I'm sure it will be a couple more weeks at least before I feel it on my own. Sadly, we weren't able to get a peek at the parts, so we still don't know the gender (wasn't expecting that early). I imagine we'll be back in two or three weeks to see if we can see what this baby is! 

13 weeks 4 days

Baby leg!

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