Tuesday, October 21, 2008

.:Day vs. Nite:.

Things are going well with little Reece. I can't believe that she is almost one month old! Time has gone by so quickly already! She is a good little baby. We are on a pretty good eating schedule right now, and her napping is really improving. We have finally gotten her to start sleeping in her crib. For a long time, she would only sleep in our bouncer chair. She still likes to go to it sometimes in the middle of the nite, but for most of the nite and during the day, she sleeps in her crib. It was a breakthrough for us!

I've really been working on her naps. I want her to be able to fall asleep on her own, without me rocking her or bouncing her to sleep. I realize she is still really little to be too worried about this, but I figure it doesn't hurt to start early! I've been able to put her down while she is still sleepy but not asleep yet, and she usually goes down without a problem. We also keep a fan in her room to give her some white noise. She seems to be associating that with sleep time.

The only real problem we're having right now is the title of this entry! I think she somewhat has her days and nites mixed up! Reece doesn't get up a lot during the nite - usually only twice. The problem is that after her 1:00/2:00 a.m. feeding, she just likes to stay awake for a couple of hours. This is frustrating for me! She cries if I try to put her down in her crib, but is perfectly content just being in my arms. I'm working on cutting her nap times back during the day, and making sure things stay noisy and bright during the day, as well as keeping her nite time feedings very mellow - nite light only, no talking or stimulating her, changing her diaper as quickly as possible, etc. It hasn't really been working yet, but I'm hopeful that eventually she'll figure it out. I just need to remember to be patient. She's not even a month old yet!

Other than that, things are going well for our little family. Josh is working like crazy! He had a few days off last week to use some vacation time, and it was SO nice to have him home so much. I hadn't realize how much I've been missing him. I know this is just going to be our lives for awhile - crazy busy for Josh, and not seeing each other as much. But I am so grateful that he has the two jobs to provide for us and that I am able to stay home with Reece. I can't imagine going back to work and leaving her! It would be horrible! Even though Josh is super busy with work, he is still always so helpful with Reece and helping around the house when he is home, as well as being in a good mood and making time for me too. He is such a great husband and dad!

Here are a few recent pictures of Reece: