Monday, September 27, 2010

.:Remi - Six Months:.

The Remster is six months old today! That's half of a year!

In Remi's five month post, I wrote that I thought she was figuring out how to roll back over from her tummy to her back. Total lie. She still continues to get stuck on her tummy and get so angry about it. Occasionally she will accidentally roll herself back over, but it's definitely not deliberate at all! She still sleeps with her sleep positioner, but somehow during her nap yesterday, she rolled over and was still in between the positioner, but on her tummy! It was kind of funny, although she was quite upset about it.

Remi's newest trick: sitting! I think she probably could have done it a lot sooner if I'd practiced with her more. I usually leave the boppy behind her, but she actually is pretty sturdy and doesn't really use it about half of the time. It makes her seem so much older to me! It is fun when she and Reece are sitting by each other, sharing a toy - I just love that they will start playing together more now!

Remi has never been much of a laugher, but she is starting to a lot more. She kind of has a belly laugh; not your usual baby giggle. It's pretty cute, and I'll do just about anything to get it out of her!

We're still doing well with sleeping at nite. I've continued feeding her at ten, before I go to bed, and at this point, I think it's more me being afraid of dropping it and having her wake up at 4:00 a.m. than her actually needing the feeding. She doesn't wake up and lately has barely been eating anything. After that feeding, I was putting her in her real crib in the room with Reece for the rest of the nite. But she went through a week or two where she kept waking up around 5:30-6:00 and squealing for awhile. Which is fine, but I didn't want her to wake up Reece! So I would grab her out of there and put her in the travel bed and she'd go back to sleep. So for the past few days, I've left her in the travel bed all nite to try to break her of that habit. Pretty soon she's going to have to be in the room with Reece full time, so we've got to get it all figured out!

We've also started food with her! Only rice cereal so far, and she is totally unimpressed. She gags on it and makes faces. So different from Reece, who was lunging at the spoon after her first initial bites. We'll probably try oatmeal tomorrow and see if we can get a different reaction! It's fun to have all four of us sitting at the table together, eating.

Remi is just the happiest, easy baby in the world! She is so sweet and loving, and we just couldn't be happier to have her as part of our family!

At six months, Remi likes:

- exersaucer
- smiling
- laughing
- eating
- light up seahorse
- rolling
- playing with toys
- feeling/grabbing/touching things
- watching Reece
- talking/cooing
- sleeping
- sitting
- sucking on hands
- baths/splashing feet
- grabbing/sucking on toes
- walks
- being kissed on face/mouth/neck

At six months, Remi does not like:

- binky
- bottle
- rice cereal
- being hungry
- being on tummy for too long
- being stuck in car seat for too long
- taking naps in car seat

Sweet baby girl!


Stacy said...

What a sweet girl Remi is... She is adorable. Love the heart onesie !!! Can't believe she is already six months old - wow !

Haley Flowers said...

She sure is cute! I can't believe she is 6 months old.