Saturday, August 2, 2014

.:29 Weeks:.

Another week, come and gone. This week brought a lot more of feeling uncomfortable and in pain. My hips just hurt, pretty much all of the time. By the end of each day, my back is hurting so badly that I'm hobbling around like an old lady. My restless legs are back with a vengeance, so my bad sleep is even worse. I had a couple of days with some pretty strong contractions/Braxton Hicks. One day I had to cut our errands short at about 2:00 p.m. and spent the rest of the day sitting on the couch so they wouldn't flare up again. I'm a mess!

But that being said, my mood definitely improved this week which was a nice change. I really don't want to be someone who only complains about being pregnant; I usually enjoy it so much more, and I'm sad that it has been harder on my body and my attitude this time around. I know the next couple of months are going to go by quickly, and I need to just try and enjoy this - especially since it's our last baby and last time to experience all of this. This little guy is so incredibly busy in there, and I know I will miss that feeling once he is out. But I also can't wait to have a little baby to snuggle. 

29 Weeks

1 comment:

suzanne said...

This too shall pass!