Saturday, September 13, 2008

.:38 week appointment:.

We went in for my 38 week appointment on Friday. We had planned to ask my doctor what her thoughts were about inducing due to some insurance issues that are going to come up. We are switching over to new insurance in October, and don't want to have the baby too close to the end of the month just in case something came up and we ended up needing to stay in the hospital longer. I'm a worrier, and would rather just make sure everything is all fine and good to go with a little bit of wiggle room, instead of stressing out at the end of the month while throwing a newborn into the mix!

My doctor said that she would induce at 39 weeks, which would be this Thursday! She is totally willing to work with us with our insurance issues, which is so nice. I trust her and know she wouldn't offer if she didn't feel that it was safe.

On top of the insurance issues, inducing might become a reality because of health reasons. I had significantly higher blood pressure than I have had throughout my pregnancy. Granted, it wasn't high like other women's can get during pregnancy, but for me, it was definitely a big jump. That, combined with my extreme swelling and a couple of spells of twinkly spots in my vision made my doctor concerned about pre-eclampsia. She had them draw three vials of blood, and I'll know the results of that on Monday. She set up an appointment with us for Tuesday morning so that we can check my blood pressure and everything, as well as talk about inducing in more depth. If the blood pressure is still high, then we won't have a choice in being induced - it will just happen because it's better for me and the baby.

I'm ALL for being induced on Thursday nite, and having the baby on Friday. It does mess up Josh's work schedule with his new job, as well as his Macey's job, so that's why he is not as eager as I am! Besides the insurance and the blood pressure, I am just done being pregnant! I am anxious to get this little girl out of me and start being parents.

My doctor did my first internal exam and said that I am not dilated at all. I'm hoping that changes by Tuesday - it will make an induction easier in the long run! We'll see what happens...

It is so incredible to think that we may have our baby girl in our arms in less than a week!