Today was a disappointing doctor's appointment. We went in, all prepared to get our instructions about being induced and ready to do it on Thursday nite, only to have that choice taken away from us.
My blood pressure was still high - for me - but back down to I guess what is an acceptable range. Then my doctor checked me, and I was only half a centimeter dilated. Barely. So she thought that we should give my body a little more time and see if anything else happens. She doesn't expect my body to do any major changes, so that frustrates me because I don't see the point in waiting another week if she doesn't really think it will make a difference.
It was just a huge let down when we were expecting to have the baby by this weekend. She had made it sound like we were the ones that would ultimately decide when we talked about it last week, but then she took that choice away from us. It was disappointing to say the least.
It also stresses me out because the whole original point of asking for an earlier induction was to avoid being stressed about insurance issues by having the baby near our due date, just in case we ended up needing to stay in the hospital any extra time at all. I don't expect to have any problems with the baby, but I still like to have the wiggle room just to be safe. Now, if we end up having to induce, the earliest I'll have the baby is on my due date, which doesn't really make me feel less stressed.
In the grand scheme of things, I know it's not a huge deal. She'll be here within a week or so, and it will be amazing. It's just hard to remember that right now when I was so looking forward to meeting her, and am just so tired of being pregnant. I never thought I would say that after everything that we went through to get to this point, but it is really taking a toll on me. I know having a baby will bring on a whole new set of difficulties and joys, just like being pregnant, but I am ready to trade them in!