Friday, May 15, 2009

.:Teeth and Bottles:.

We have had an eventful couple of days at our house. Well, eventful for us! Last week while Reece and I were in Oregon, I really thought that she was seriously teething. Her nite sleep was off, she was fussy, drooling tons - just every ambiguous teething symptom there can be! Well, on Wednesday, I was feeding her dinner, and I told Josh that I was pretty sure I could see two of her teeth. And I was right! Her two bottom front teeth are just starting to come up - they have barely broke through the surface, but I can see and feel the little ridges of both of them. I can't believe that my baby has teeth now! Like I said, they are just barely starting to come through, so I don't know how long it will be until you can really see the tooth, but it will be fun to see what she looks like with teeth!

Starting about a few weeks ago, Reece started showing some signs that she was going to start weaning herself from breastfeeding. While we were in Oregon, I decided to start offering her a small bottle after she got done nursing because it didn't really seem like she was nursing for very long or that she could be getting enough. Sure enough, she was gulping those bottles down with no problem. I felt kind of bad, like maybe she hasn't been getting enough for awhile! I figured that I would keep doing the nursing/bottle combo as long as she wanted to, knowing that there was a risk she would eventually prefer the bottle over nursing. I just didn't expect it to happen so fast! Reece is totally done with nursing now! She refuses to even try to nurse at this point. I tried for a day and a half to keep offering her nursing first, just to know for my peace of mind that I had tried before we threw in the towel. So bottles it is! I feel a little bit sad about it - I am not sure I was quite ready for it to happen so fast. Even with all of our struggles with nursing, I grew to love it. I would probably feel worse if she wouldn't have already started showing signs on her own that she was ready to be done. Babies are on their own timetable, and this is just her time I guess! And to look on the positive side, at least I won't have to deal with those little teeth biting me! :)


Dani said...

I can't wait to see her two little teethers!! It totally changes their look. Aren't you glad there was an explanation for her crabbiness? (well, I never thought she was very crabby at all, but I knew you said she was a little bit off). And it is kind of a sad day when weaning happens, but babies definitely just do it when they are ready. No more hiding out though! That will be great!

Mendel Family said...

Well I am glad she has teeth! Luke didn't get teeth forever and it was hard to feed him once he started wanting table food. And that is so sad she is done nursing. They do start nursing less when they eat more baby food. But if she is chugging those bottles, then I guess she is done. Luke mostly nurses for comfort now...I feel your sadness, I love nursing. It is one of the last real baby things I have left :(