This little guy has been sooooooo active today! Not just fluttery bubbly busy, but real kicks sort of busy! I love it when I start feeling that! I hope it keeps up! (And yes, I did just call the baby a guy. I think it's a boy. But don't count on my mother's intuition when casting your vote. I was convinced Reece was a boy, too.)
Other than that, just dealing with the sickies in our house. Yesterday I came down with a sore throat and the chills in about ten minutes flat, which laid me out on the couch for the rest of the nite. Luckily Josh was so helpful with dinner and Reece! My temp spiked at 101, and I spent a sleepless nite on the couch. Luckily, this morning my fever is gone and I'm feeling more like it's just a bad cold. But, poor Reece had a fever of 100 this morning. We're staying on top of it with Tylenol, and I'm hoping that we can turn hers into a bad cold, too. We both have had flu shots, so I'm really hoping we can avoid the flu! She's still being such a good girl considering how awful she is feeling. Plus she's extra cuddly, and I love to get those snuggles in any way I can! She's also enjoying her Halloween goodies from Grandma Z and GPSTEW - they came on the perfect day! Thanks Mom and Dad!
Josh is busy with school and he's doing really well. He's been able to see lots of interesting things in his clinicals, and I think he's enjoying them. That's the excitement of our lives right now!
Fun picture of the little "guy"... exciting that you get to find out soon for sure what you are having! Sorry you are sick! It's not the swine flu is it? My little 5 month old niece has it (spencer and Amber's twin girl) and Amber said it is spreading like CRAZY in Utah right now. I'm sure you are fine though. We've kind of had a little bug around here too, lots of coughing from our boys. Not fun.
Boo to sickies!! It is going around everywhere I think! Hope you both recover quickly. Love the shot of baby boy!(?) Can't wait to find out what you are having!
Yuckies on the sickies! Do not pass it this way. Nic is sick and I was sick. Mine didn't get too bad...hopefully it never will! So fun on the kicks! :)
I posted before that a fever isn't common with a cold, but I guess I was wrong, I just looked it up. Well, hope you get well soon and enjoy those kicks! I love it when you can feel them move!
Hope you & Reece feel better soon! Like I said already, let me know if I can help out or if you need anything. I am so excited for you to find out what your baby is!!! Boy, huh?
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