Monday, September 26, 2011

.:Reece - 3 Years Old:.

A three year old? Really?

I swear Reece just barely turned two!

So many people have told us that three is worse than two. And let me tell you, even though she didn't turn three until yesterday, I totally believe it!

This little lady is so full of sass and attitude! I'm sure it will be a learning year for us in patience!

But with the sass comes the sweetness, and while I wonder how they can both co-exist so easily in her tiny little body, I love seeing those tender moments and feelings shine through.

Reece is usually pretty good with Remi. They definitely have their usual difficulties of sharing that comes with the ages they are at, but they really just love each other so much and love playing together. It is so cute to watch them chasing each other around the house, or reading books together. When Remi is upset, Reece will bring her one of her stuffed animals and try to help calm her down. It really is sweet, and I know they are going to be the best of friends (and maybe the worst of enemies, too!)

Reece is also so cute about the new baby coming. I'm not 100% sure she understands that a real baby is going to come from my tummy, but she talks about it all the time, and loves to push her baby around and sing songs to it. I'm sure she'll show a lot of the same love to her new little sister once she gets here.

Reece has been talking really well for awhile now, but it's still fun to notice the change in her growth and development. We can almost always understand what she is saying and asking for. I find myself really having to watch what I say when I'm frustrated or upset (not that I'm cursing up a storm or anything!) but she is definitely listening and repeating. I say, "Chill out" a lot, and her new thing is to tell me to "Chill down".

Reece loves to dance and sing. Some of her favorite songs are popcorn popping on the apricot tree, 5 little monkeys swinging from a tree, give said the little stream, and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam. I love hearing her sweet little voice.

She is a total girly girl, and loves to dress up and carry around purses full of junk. Reece is a little packrat, and loves to have all of her little belongings all together. Having 'lips' on is always exciting to her, and she likes to play with my makeup brushes when I'm getting ready. Even though she is very girly, lately she has been really into throwing the football around with Josh - much to his delight, of course! He would argue that she can throw better than her mother, and I might even have to agree with that!

Reece is learning things so quickly! She knows all of her colors, can count to ten, knows quite a few shapes, and can also identify the names of some of the numbers. She is so curious and inquisitive, and her little imagination is fantastic!

We celebrated with a princess party over the weekend, pictures to come. She was in heaven! One of the best presents? Gramzee showed up and surprised us! Driving that far and that long just to spend a few hours with us was really special. Thanks Gramzee!

The stats:

Weight: 30.4 lbs (48th percentile)
Height: 38 in (74th percentile)

Her pediatrician had nothing but glowing things to say about our girl! She is developing and growing perfectly!


suzanne said...

"Practically perfect in every way!" thanks for letting me crash the par-tay!

Sarah said...

She sure is cute, isn't she? Where does the time go?! I love her spunk and sass...and love her self esteem. Still cracks me up thinking about her singing and watching herself in the mirror in adoration at the party...all dressed up as a princess. Way too cute!

nison (nic + allison) said...

I love little sass-a-frass Reece!

Mendel Family said...

Oh my Reece's pieces! I love that little girl! She is such a crack up, and I love the things she says! Where does the time go?