Wednesday, May 16, 2012

.:Six Month Stats:.

Harper had her six month checkup yesterday. She is basically perfect, growing and developing just as she should! 

She took her three shots like a champ, and probably cried for all of 5 seconds until I was able to pick her up and then she was totally fine. Go baby!

WEIGHT: 13 lbs. 9 oz. (9th percentile)
HEIGHT: 26.22 in. (68th percentile)

So still long and lean (which apparently skipped a generation when going from my parents to my kids). Her doctor isn't worried about her being so small because she always has been, and she is staying consistent. She has gained almost two pounds since her four month appointment, so she's a growing girl!

1 comment:

suzanne said...

Picture perfect beauty! Long and lean - heck yes!!!!