Saturday, May 10, 2014

.:17 Weeks:.

While I can say that the moodiness is still sticking around, this week didn't seem quite as bad. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I am really starting to feel baby move regularly. And I love it. I feel like it's our special little secret that I get to have all to myself. Of course, I'll be excited for when Josh and the girls can feel him move from the outside, but I kind of like that it's just for me right now. 

I've been buying and trading like crazy, and this little guy has quite the collection of clothes started. I need to go through and size them so I can see what I really need for the first little bit. We also need to start stocking up on diapers. Which also means we really need to potty train Harper so that we don't have to buy diapers for two. Trying to work myself up to that. 

Love this baby!

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