Saturday, September 13, 2014

.:35 Weeks:.

I had a slight moment of freak out when I was remembering that Harper was born at 37 weeks - if this baby comes when she did, that would mean two weeks! Crazy! I don't anticipate him coming quite that early, but I'm hoping for somewhere between 38-39 weeks. I have just been extra achy this week. My hips are sooooo loose, and the back pain that started with Harper's pregnancy (and continued for months after she was born) is back and getting worse. I feel like I'm starting to waddle and hobble. Normally my exercise classes are in the morning, but I decided to try out an evening Zumba class. I was surprised at how much tougher it was to work out after a full day of being on my feet and taking care of kids. Then I was up all nite with contractions in my back. Soooo re-thinking doing that again until I'm full term and ready to get him out! My belly is getting so big, it just pushes my pants down and my shirts ride up. Gauchos and long shirts are about all I am comfortable in for too long these days! I started sleeping with three pillows instead of two this week and it has made a big difference with my allergies and congestion. Not sleeping great, but much better than before so I'll take it! I've got a couple more things to make for his room, and then I think we're about as ready as we're going to be. He's coming so soon! I can't wait!

35 weeks

1 comment:

Nikki said...

2 weeks! Even 4 weeks isn't that long. So close.