At six months Reece likes:
- Smiling
- Laughing
- Talking
- Sucking on her hands, fingers, my finger, burp cloths....really, anything that comes anywhere near her mouth is fair game
- Grabbing her toes
- Rolling over
- Toys: pink horse, pink elephant, fish rattle, plastic rings, pink hippo
- Playmat
- Exersaucer
- Watching TV/Baby Einstein
- Bumbo
- Baths
- Being naked
- Squealing
- Getting attention
- Standing in our laps
- Sitting up in front of the mirror
- Reading books
- Cell phones, remotes
- Hearing and making silly sounds - especially when I click my tongue
- Sitting in the cart at the store
At six months Reece doesn't like:
- Getting in her car seat (still)
- Being in her car seat for too long
- Getting dressed (STILL arms through the sleeves!)
Reece had her six month checkup today. Here are the stats:
* Weight: 13 pounds 9 ounces - 10th % (skinny girl!)
* Height: 26 inches long - 63rd %
* Head Circumference: 16 and 3/4 inchs - 56th %
I asked her pediatrician if I should be worried about her weight. She just keeps falling in the percentiles, but he said the important thing is that she is still gaining, however much that it is. He gave us the okay to start solids with her, so I'm hoping that will help with her weight! I'm also hoping that starting food will help with her crabiness that she's had for the past two weeks! Maybe she's just more hungry than what I've got to give her! We'll do a week of rice cereal, a week of oatmeal, and then go on to veggies and fruits. He said that in a couple of weeks, as she gets better at sitting, that we can start finger foods like the Gerber's puffs. I think she will really like sucking on those! Plus, that will give her something to keep her distracted at church! :) She got a clean bill of health! Her shots were not so fun for her, but she's been pretty good since we left the doctor's office.
Reece is not quite sitting on her own yet, still. She's getting stronger, and can do it for small periods of time, especially if she is leaning forward enough, but we still always have to be sitting behind her in case she falls. We'll keep practicing! She's turned into quite the roller, and is starting to figure out how to roll to her right side. Before she could only do her left side. It is funny to watch her on the monitor when she goes to bed at nite, just watching her roll around in her crib. She is getting better at putting herself to sleep after rolling around for awhile. I imagine that will keep getting better and better! Still no teeth, but definitely all the teething symptoms! I'm sure those will make an appearance in the next month or two, but I'm quite fine with her not having them yet! It is really fun to watch her in her exersaucer as well. She is getting so good with her hands, and it's been fun to watch her develop her skills and be able to do things on purpose with her hands, instead of just by chance. She loves to grab the attachments and put them in her mouth, spin the roller things on it, and has figured out how to make the sound play from pushing a button. She's the cutest!
We just love our little Reece's pieces so much!
I LOVE that picture in the green outfit on the couch. So cute!! She is a long lean thing. Have fun with the solids. It will definitely be fun for her to have some new tastes, I'm sure. And finger foods are the biggest blessing!! Veggie puffs, cheerios, graham crackers, mum mums, were a few of our favorites.
It's always fun to go to the doctor and see that all is well. She is so cute, and so many fun things to tryout on her this next month. Should make for a good post next month.....
What a little cutie! I love this age of babies....they are so fun....but can't get in to much yet! That is exciting that you will be starting solids now, she is going to love it!
I know I keep saying this, but I can't wait to see you guys in a couple days! Reece has doubled in age since we saw her last (that is weird!)
We love here over here in KFalls! Miss her! She is changing so much - wish we all lived closer together!
I can't get over how cute she is. That is crazy that she is already 6 months old!
Such cutie patootie pics! Love her!
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