Tuesday, September 15, 2009

.:NT Scan:.

Today I had my NT - or nuchal translucency scan. It's an ultrasound, combined with two separate rounds of blood work, to check for chromosonal abnormalities. The ultrasound measure the fluid behind the baby's neck. Babies with more fluid are at a higher risk for down syndrome, etc.

Soooo....it was so awesome to see the baby again! I'm still measure 3-6 days ahead of where I'm supposed to be, but it's all within a week, so my due date stays the same. Baby was moving and waving, and looked so much more like a baby! I got to hear the heartbeat (which was 169 bpm) and hear it, too.
The baby wasn't quite cooperating so the tech wasn't able to get a good measurement. She did the best she could, and she said from what she saw, everything looked great! I am not really worried about it - I just wanted to see the baby again!

Josh was at clinicals so he wasn't able to come, but luckily the tech gave me a dvd of the whole ultrasound, plus a few pictures. So here are the pictures! (Thanks Chris and Sarah for watching Reece while I was there!)


That's one good looking baby if I do say so myself!


suzanne said...

My beautiful little grandbaby! Brings a tear to my ear!

nison (nic + allison) said...

Mom's crying out her ears. So happy for you! Can't wait to find out what you're having! :)

Dani said...

HA! A "tear to my ear" Mom! I love it... I still need to write that children's book.
Anyways, yay for baby #2!! This does look like one good looking child. No surprise there!