Sunday, December 13, 2009

.:Strike 2:.

The pregnancy stupids have struck again!

First there was the accident - this was only a week ago. Strike 1.

Strike 2: Last nite, Josh and I had a date nite (soooo nice!) and we went to see Blindside, and then out to Olive Garden afterwards. Naturally, I had a lot of Diet Coke to drink during the movie, so I was in need of a restroom. I asked the host where the bathrooms were, and he told me straight down the hall, last door on your left. So, I go straight down the hall, to the last door on your left. Walk in, and there is a GUY standing there washing his hands. I was fully in the restroom at this point, and I think he was wondering what the crazy pregnant lady was doing in there. Of course, I'd like to blame this on the host because I was just following his directions, but really....shouldn't I have seen the sign on the door, or the women's sign on the door that was at the end of the straight hallway?

(Yikes, I think there's actually a strike 3. I put something in the microwave today that had foil on it. There's a nice black mark to show my stupidity. Should I be trusted with two kids?)


.:.chhour.:. said...

ahhh Summer. This is the best story. Enjoy being able to blame your "moments" on pregnancy. Because this sounds like something I've done a time or two..and Nope! Never been preggs.

Mendel Family said...

HAHAHA! I am sorry but this made me laugh! It is incredible what happens to our brains when we are pregnant!

nison (nic + allison) said...

You crack me up! If it makes you feel any better, I used the men's Europe. Totally normal for women to use the men's restrooms because the women's line is so dang long! I say you're fine - we should start doing what they do in Europe.

suzanne said...

I used the bathroom in DC that was a men's - totally on I'm with Alli, you aren't losing it, you are setting a trend!

Haley Flowers said...

That is so funny!

Sarah said...

Hahahaha nice! At least he was washing his hands and not at the urinal, right??!!?!

Sarah Jane said...

ha ha hang in there!

Los Smith said...

those are classics to cherish!!! thanks for sharing :)

Stacy said...

I hate to say it, but I think it gets worse after you have two kids! At least for me!!!