Friday, January 30, 2009

.:Bad Mommy Day:.

Some days I just feel like a bad mommy. Today is one of those days. Reece had her shots on Monday for her four month checkup. She was already on Prevacid for her reflux, and now has an antibiotic and a multi vitamin that she is taking. I don't know if it's the shots, the meds, or the combination of both, but she has been so OFF this week. She's just been so whiney and not content at all. I've barely been able to get a sincere smile out of her, or a real laugh. I find myself getting so frustrated with her, but then I feel completely guilty because she's just a baby, and she doesn't feel well - she's just communicating that the only way she knows how. I'm really hoping things will even out in the next couple of days. It makes me sad that she is so unhappy, and I just want my sweet baby back!

1 comment:

suzanne said...

It's just hard sometimes and there is no solution but to wake up yet another day and try again!