Monday, March 30, 2009

.:Mrs. What??:.

I survived two days of subbing last week! It was at my old school, for a friend I taught with last year. I have to admit, I cried on the way there the first day. I have never left Reece for that long, and it was so hard! I hope we never end up in a position where I have to do that every day! It was kind of surreal being back there. In some ways, I felt like I had never left. But in others, it seemed like a whole different world to me. It was kind of bittersweet - it made me realize that I really do love teaching. I loved my job. But, I also realized how much more I love staying home with Reece and being a mom. It was fun to see some of my old students and parents of old students, but I was so happy to get home to my baby!

For some reason, kids always seem to have difficulty saying Andrus. So, about half of the kids were calling me Mrs. Anderson (it doesn't help that one of the other first grade teachers is Miss Anderson!) and one girl even called me Mrs. Ass! What! I was happy when they finally settled on calling me Mrs. A.

We had a nice weekend. Ben, Sharon, Gray, and Cal are in town visiting, so we had them over, as well as Sam and Nikki. It was so fun to be together and see my nephews! It doesn't happen nearly enough! It is just hard living away from family! Saturday I had the YW Broadcast, so I was pretty much out the door as soon as Josh got home from work.

Josh worked at the hospital yesterday, so I was on my own with Reece, church, and meetings/visits all day. I was a little apprehensive about it because she usually has a more difficult time on Sundays, due to missing her usual nap time while we are at church. But she was such a happy girl yesterday! It was such a great day, and I felt like I didn't want it to end! She was in such a good mood and we just had fun together. Being a mom is just the best!

Reece continues to LOVE eating her rice cereal. She just lunges for the spoon and can't get enough! We are going to try oatmeal today, and then hopefully start veggies later in the week. We're having a lot of fun with this new part of her little life!


suzanne said...

That is a face of a girl who loves cereal! Guess she was feeling hungry! Wish I was there to watch in person! Headed to OMSI this morning. Would really love to chat sometime!

Camilla said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture!!! LOL
I feel the same way about teaching...isn't it bittersweet? I am proud of you for taking that hard step...and for saying what those kids called you. What?! :)

Mendel Family said...

That is funny about what the students would call you! I am so glad that Reece is doing well with solids!

Taryn said...

My sister-in-law is expecting her first child, a girl, in July. She's an art teacher for two elementary schools here in Jersey. She's already trying to get her husband on board for her to not go back to teaching after the baby is born. It's got to be tough! Good job on making it through those two days!

Kimmy said...

love that picture! I didn't think it was possible for her to get any cuter, but then every picture you post gets better and better!

Sarah said...

Cecelia liked the rice but loved the oatmeal the best. Hopefully Reece likes it too!

Los Smith said...

I like Mrs.A good option! I think having a little time out of the home is good, SUPER hard but good for the soul. Reece is such a darling, I am glad I got to hold her for a "minute" :D

jacque said...

She is seriously the cutest little girl. I'm glad you had the chance to sneak away to the school. it's always nice to remind yourself on how much you do actually enjoy being a stay-at-home mommmy.